Wedding MC: Chinese Emcee script

现在我们请双方家长及亲朋好友上台来向大家敬酒。 接着让这对新人相敬交杯酒。 This is the Chinese Emcee Script that you can consider using on your wedding night. At 8.00pm or 85% attendance 各位来宾晚上好。我们即将开始宴席。请大家就座。谢谢。 When all guests have settled down / Before 1st March in 各位晚上好,我是 _____ (Insert name of Emcee)…

Tips to a zoom wedding in Singapore

Having a live online presence for weddings is almost a norm in many places around the world, including Singapore. This clearly started since the circuit breaker during the peak of the COVID-19 outbreak. When I speak to friends who had…